Hypoid gear motors are ideal for low-voltage, off-grid, mobile, or driver-less systems like automated guided vehicles ( AGVs ) or autonomous mobile robots ( AMRs ). It is a type of geared motor.
Right-angle gear motors with hypoid gear sets have several advantages when compared with standard DC worm gear motors. While they cost more to manufacture, hypoid gear motors are more efficient, produce less heat, provide higher torque, and are usually smaller than equivalent gear motors with worm-and-pinion reducers.
More Efficient At Low Speeds And High Reduction
Hypoid gears require less energy to begin rotation, making them more efficient at lower speeds. At higher reductions, because the hypoid tooth pattern allows torque to be transferred smoothly with less friction they can be 40% to 60% more efficient than their worm-gear counterparts. In some cases, this can mean that a motor rated at 1/2 hp coupled with a hypoid gear head can deliver the same amount of torque as a worm gear head driven by a 1hp motor.
Cooler Operating Temperature
The hypoid gear design generates less friction between the gear teeth than worm-gears. Side-by-side tests have shown that hypoid gear motors can run as much as 15% cooler than a worm and pinion gearboxes driven by the same size motor. This can result in lower power consumption and better lubrication life.

Not only can hypoid gear motors be driven by a smaller motor for the same load, but the geometry of the gearing allows them to be mounted in line with the motor, while the worm gear heads must be offset. Combining these benefits results in a much smaller overall package size for a hypoid gear motor than a comparable worm gear motor.
Advantages of Hypoid Gear heads

A standard worm-and-pinion gear set (right) consists of a screw-like input gear that rotates perpendicularly over a larger output gear. This arrangement is less efficient than hypoid gearing, which combines worm and bevel gear design.
Worm gears are usually made from bronze, which is softer than steel. While hypoid gears cost more to manufacture than a simple worm gear, they are typically made from heat-treated steel, which allows them to operate at peak efficiency for the longest possible product life and quiet operation.